
ThaiPy - Bangkok Python Meetup

Monthly meetup for those interested in python, the most popular language in the world.

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Every 3rd Thursday - Join Us RSVP

{ "packages": ["python-dateutil", "icalendar"], "splashscreen": { "enabled": false } }

ThaiPy’s Code of Conduct - Reporting Guide

Making a report

If you believe that someone is violating the code of conduct we ask that you report it to by ThaiPy organisers, either in person or via our email contact at thaipy@dylanjay.com. All reports will be kept confidential. In some cases where we determine that a public statement is required, the identities of all victims and reporters will remain confidential unless those individuals instruct us otherwise.

If you believe anyone is in physical danger, please notify law enforcement first.

If you are unsure if the incident is a violation, or whether the space where it occurred is covered by the ThaiPy Code of Conduct, we encourage you to still report it. We believe it is better to discover an incident is not a violation than to not discover a violation. We will not judge you in any way for good faith reporting of an incident that is found to not be a violation. We believe that knowing about incidents that are not violations or occur outside of spaces covered by our code of conduct aid in improving or Code of Conduct and the processes surrounding it.

In your report please include:

What happens after you make the report?

You will receive an email from the organisers of ThaiPys acknowledging receipt immediately. We promise to acknowledge receipt within 24 hours, and aim for much quicker that that.

The Organisers of ThaiPy will immediately meet to review the incident and determine:

If this is an ongoing incident or a threat to someone’s safety, the immediate priority of the organisers will be to protect everyone involved. This may mean we delay an “offical” response until we believe the situation has ended and that all parties are safe.

Once the organisers have a complete accounting of the events they will make a decision as to how to respond. Responses may include:

We will respond within one week to the person who filed the report with a resolution or an explanation for why the situation is not yet resolved.

Once we have determined our final action we will contact the original reporter to let them know what action we will be taking, if any. We will take into account feedback from the reporter on the appropriateness of our response, but may not act upon it.

We may choose to make a final report on the situation to our community.


Any of the parties directly involved or affected may request a reconsideration of the organisers’ decision. The organisers may, with the permission of the victims and reporters, request input from external sources while reviewing the appeal.

This reporting guide is in part derived from the Django Code of Conduct - Reporting Guide and the Ruby Australia Code of Conduct Reporting Guide, and is otherwise influenced by the Geek Feminism Conference anti-harassment policy. This guide is licensed under the Creative Commons — CC0 1.0 Universal license.