
ThaiPy - Bangkok Python Meetup

Monthly meetup for those interested in python, the most popular language in the world.

Visit our Meetup Page
Visit our GitHub Profile

Next meetup

Every 3rd Thursday - Join Us RSVP

packages = ["python-dateutil", "BeautifulSoup4", "requests"] [splashscreen] enabled = false #[[fetch]] #from = 'https://openrss.org/www.meetup.com/thaipy-bangkok-python-meetup/' #from = "https://www.meetup.com/thaipy-bangkok-python-meetup/" #files = ["events"] import asyncio from datetime import datetime as dt import calendar import json import requests from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from dateutil.parser import parse from pyodide.http import pyfetch from js import console import datetime now = dt.now().astimezone() async def get_next_event(): CORS_PROXY = "https://corsproxy.io/?" # page = await pyfetch(CORS_PROXY+"https://openrss.org/www.meetup.com/thaipy-bangkok-python-meetup/events/", # headers={"Accept": "application/rss+xml"}, mode="no-cors") url = CORS_PROXY+"https://www.meetup.com/thaipy-bangkok-python-meetup/events/" console.log(url) page = await pyfetch(url, mode="cors") text = (await page.bytes()).decode("utf8") top, rest = text.split('", 1) data = json.loads(script) props = data['props']['pageProps']['__APOLLO_STATE__'] withdates = (p for p in props.values() if hasattr(p, 'get') and p.get(u'dateTime')) nextdate = sorted((parse(p['dateTime']),p['title']) for p in withdates)[0] return nextdate async def get_next_repeat(): next_date = calendar.Calendar(3).monthdatescalendar(now.year, now.month)[3][0] if next_date < now.date(): next_date = calendar.Calendar(3).monthdatescalendar(now.year, now.month+1)[3][0] return (dt(next_date.year, next_date.month, next_date.day, 18, 30, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=7))), "") def humanise_timedelta(td): time_arr = [] if td.months: time_arr.append(f"{td.months} month{'' if td.months == 1 else 's'}") if td.days: time_arr.append(f"{td.days} day{'' if td.days == 1 else 's'}") if td.hours: time_arr.append(f"{td.hours} hour{'' if td.hours == 1 else 's'}") if td.minutes: time_arr.append(f"{td.minutes} minute{'' if td.minutes == 1 else 's'}") if td.seconds: time_arr.append(f"{td.seconds} second{'' if td.seconds == 1 else 's'}") return " ".join(time_arr) async def main(): try: next_date, next_event = await get_next_event() except Exception as e: console.log(str(e)) next_date, next_event = await get_next_repeat() output_year = f"{next_date.strftime('%a %b %d')}" Element("newdate").write(output_year) while True: td = relativedelta(next_date, dt.now().astimezone()) Element("showtime").write("- in " + humanise_timedelta(td)) Element("title").write(next_event) await asyncio.sleep(1) asyncio.ensure_future(main()) # Feeds -

Crowd photo

ThaiPy - Bangkok Python Meetup is a monthly meetup for those using python, learning pytho just py-curious. Python is the most popular programming languages in the world and rising further, being used in fields such as web, science, AI, big data, dev-ops and digital entertainment. We have talks from beginners to advanced and provide a friendly atmosphere to meet and network with your fellow pythonistas. Talks are in English or Thai.

Meetup รายเดือนสำหรับผู้ที่ใช้ภาษา Python หรือผู้ที่อยากเรียนรู้ หรือแม้แต่ผู้ที่แค่อยากรู้ว่า Python คืออะไร Python เป็นหนึ่งในภาษาเขียนโปรแกรมที่ได้รับความนิยมมากขึ้นเรื่อยๆ ซึ่งถูกนำมาใช้ในด้านของการพัฒนา website, งานด้านวิทยาศาสตร์, ข้อมูลขนาดใหญ่, dev-ops และความบันเทิงระบบดิจิตอล เราจะมีการพูดคุยแนะนำจากระดับ beginners ถึงระดับ advance ในบรรยากาศที่เป็นกันเองเพื่อคุณจะได้ทำความรู้จัก และ network กับ Pythonistas เช่นคุณ

This is for anyone who appreciates beauty and productivity in code.

Follow us on Facebook @bangkokpython.

Organisers: Dylan Jay, Audchadaporn Lertchanvit, Vincent Casagrande, François Wautier, Andrew Purser

Joining the group

To join our group, visit our page on Meetup.com.

Join Thailand developer discord or our the Thapy facebook group to join the discussion.


Tech@Agoda is currently the Venue, Pizza and beer sponsor. Help us by signing up to their events. Every signup helps.

Pizza Mania provides us delicious pizza (and a helpful discount).

If you are interested in sponsoring ThaiPy in the future, look at the ThaiPy Sponsorship Prospectus and get in touch.

Code of Conduct

We have a code of conduct we require all members of the ThaiPy community to adhere to.

Health and Safety

We have a health and safety policy. TLDR: no current mask or vaccination requirements. If you feel ill, stay home or mask up and test.

Topics, Decks, and Notes

To propose a topic for a future event, just open a discussion and we’ll see if it fits on our calendar.

Slide decks and notes from past events can also be found at our meetup repo or in the comments of past thaipy events

PyCon Thailand

PyCon Thailand is organised once a year (by a different organising team).


We help organise CodeWars event’s once per year as way to bring different development communities in bangkok togeather.